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Left, middle or right, The Fulcrum gives Americans a fresh chance to unite

  Several weeks ago, a political reformer named John Palmer composed a tweet urging people to check out an article about "unrigging" our flawed system of government and elections. He called it a "MUST MUST READ." Palmer tagged two organizations (@usapromise and @representus) that are already working to rid our politics of big money corruption and to make all votes count equally in our elections. MUST MUS


The Second American Revolution: 5-Minute Boot Camp For Unrigging Our Government

I’ve got some good news and some bad news. And once we put it all together, it’ll be news you can use — an easy way to join the Second American Revolution, now in progress. First, the bad news: You are being violated by your own government. Hustled and conned. We all are. Our voices and our votes. Our tax dollars, too. On a piece of parchment that birthed this country, our founders emphasized that lawmake


KNBC NewsConference – Congressional Reform is Needed

Michael Golden is a fellow at the Center for American Progress and author of a new book “Unlock Congress”. He talks about reforming the legislative branch of the government and why it's needed.


Against the Current: Michael Golden

Dan Proft sits down with Michael Golden, author of "Unlock Congress" on this edition of "Against the Current."


“I love hearing about ambitious ideas and getting to know the dreamers who’re turning them into realities. I also love talking to people! It all adds up to THE GOLDEN MEAN podcast. Tune into our show for spontaneous conversations with original thought leaders and inspirational personalities.”
